Sunday 12 January 2014

Moroccan Oil

Everyone and anyone interested in hair care will have heard of the new must have oil for luxurious locks, Moroccan Oil. Being someone who is constantly changing my hair colour and playing around with new styles, I was dying to try this new miracle worker. I looked around and tried a variety of different brands, at different prices, of both Moroccan and Argan Oil, and found variable results. Generally, like most things, the more expensive the product, the better the results, and that’s exactly what I have found with these different oils.  

This specific product, Moroccan Oil treatment, cost’s £12.85 for a tiny 25ml bottle, but my goodness it was worth it! The product is to be applied to damp hair before styling, and the results you get are incredible. I naturally have mousey brown hair and currently have ombred (or dip dyed) blonde ends, which after having had them bleached countless times, and being a bit of a GHD addict, has dried out and frazzled the tips. After one use of this miracle oil, I noticed a significant difference. My hair felt a lot softer and smoother, it had lost that straw like, brittle feel and looked a lot healthier. Unlike some of the oils I’ve used which have left my hair with a slightly greasy feel; this product left no residue after drying, only luscious locks.   

The price may be a bit off putting at first, with a larger bottle (100ml) costing more or less £30, however, this small 25ml bottle lasted me roughly 7 months! A tiny blob of oil is all you need for one application, and if like me you only blow dry your hair once or twice a week, a small amount goes a long way. If you blow dry your hair every day and have a tight budget, this may not be the product for you, but if you’re willing to spend that little bit more for beautiful hair, I would highly recommend purchasing this wonder product.

The only negative comment I would have about this product, which is really not worth mentioning but I feel every review needs a negative, is that the bottle can get quite greasy as it has a screw cap and no pump. The oil is poured out into the palms, and oily hands’ putting the lid back on isn’t the easiest! Other than that, I have absolutely nothing bad to say about this product. It has become a staple in my hair drying routine and I would definitely suggest making it apart of yours too! 


  1. I have always wanted to try this product but always hesitated, now after reading this review I'm definitely going out to buy it! :)

    1. I'm glad my review helped! It really is amazing! Thanks for your comment/feedback!
